Hello! I’m honored to meet you.

I’m Judy Thurman, and I consider it a joy to share my Sound Therapy, Qigong, and Classical Chinese Medicine healing practices with you.

My journey into this world began when my body was literally aching for a healthier lifestyle. As I started seeing traditional western medicine practitioners for treatments, I intuitively knew that I wanted to follow a more holistic, gentle approach. This led me to studying ancient Eastern practices where I learned how to balance life force energy in the body through movement, sound, nutrition, acupressure, meditation, and other modalities.

It has now been over 20 years that I’ve been living in my purpose and helping people of all ages around the world heal, learn, and grow. I love guiding people to follow their true nature.

I now have a private practice in Colorado, Denver metro area, where I work with clients in-person and remotely, and I also work with organizations and hospitals to bring holistic healing methods to their communities.

As a transplant from Montana, I had a private practice and office in Big Fork as well as worked and volunteered at Kalispell Regional Hospital Medical Fitness Center.  I have also participated as a guest panel speaker for the American Heart Association. 

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Working with me may be for you if…

You value being in good health and investing in self care for your body, mind, and soul.

You want to connect deeper with your intuition, true nature, and life’s purpose.

You want to deepen feelings of inner peace, acceptance, and presence, while reducing stress, self-doubt, and unsupportive beliefs. You want to set better boundaries.

You experience acute or chronic health challenges, and you’d like to explore holistic healing modalities that are an alternative to traditional western medicine options and work to heal the root cause vs. just mask the symptoms.

You are looking for a unique, ambient musical guest for your next wellness event or special gathering! I’ve enjoyed putting on singing bowl concerts at private residences, metaphysical and wellness shops, art galleries, cafes, community centers, and more!

You operate or support a business, organization, or medical facility and would like to invest in group wellness and stress relief activities for your team, clients, or patients. I love to offer group Qigong movement sessions, singing bowl “sound baths”, traditional Chinese tea ceremonies, and more!

You’re looking for a speaker for your group or next event. I love hosting educational wellness workshops and classes about Qigong, Classical Chinese Medicine practices, Sound Therapy, Taoist wisdom, and more!

Experience & Qualifications

  • Over 20 years in practice

  • Received traditional Daoist training in a 6 year program. Training included traveling to China.

  • Ordained as a 22nd generation Dragon Gate Priest, Monk, and Wanderer, respectively. My given name is Li Hui, which means "Wisdom".

  • Completed 4 year Classical Chinese Medicine program at The School of Qigong Studies (Medical/Clinical Qigong)

  • Earned License and Certification in Vibrational Sound Therapy at Vibrational Sound Association (VSA).

  • Studied Physical and Energetic anatomy, Qigong Movement, and Chi Nutrition. This included mandatory studies in:

    • Yellow Emperors Classic of Chinese Medicine

    • Hua Hu Ching

    • I Ching

    • Tao Teh Ching

    • 5 Element Theory of Chinese Medicine. 

  • Recently graduated with an advanced certificate in American Sign Language (“ASL”). It’s important to me to be able to communicate with people in the deaf and hard of hearing communities.